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Don't Give Up On God

Don’t Give Up on God

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Hope can feel like a fragile flame in the face of adversity. We dream of breakthroughs, of impossible wishes granted, but doubt whispers, “It’s too much, too late, too unlikely.” Life throws curveballs. Dreams feel distant, like mirages in the desert. Mountains loom large, casting long shadows of doubt. Yet, it’s in this moment, in the midst of the darkness, when hope feels like a flickering candle in the wind, that we turn to the greatest source of strength – faith, and the Bible shines a beacon of hope, reminding us that with God, the impossible becomes possible.

The Bible, a testament to God’s unwavering love, is brimming with stories of the impossible becoming reality. From barren wombs to parting seas, these accounts are not just ancient history; they’re beacons of hope for our journeys. Throughout the Bible, we encounter ordinary people facing extraordinary challenges, yet their stories overflow with God’s miraculous interventions.

Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 21:1-7): Despite being childless well into their old age, and when biological limitations threatened their promise, God stepped in, rewriting the narrative with laughter and a bouncing baby boy. God promised Abraham a son and descendants as numerous as the stars. This promise seemed impossible, yet Isaac, the child of impossible laughter, was born miraculously, becoming the father of nations, and ushering in a lineage that would continue to be blessed by God.

Hannah (1 Samuel 1:11-19): Longing for a child but facing infertility, Hannah poured her heart out to God in prayer. Though seemingly unheard, God eventually granted her wish, blessing her with the prophet Samuel, a man who would play a pivotal role in Israel’s history.

David (2 Samuel 2:4-16): A young shepherd boy from an unassuming background; after defeating the giant – Goliath with faith and a slingshot, which was a testament to God’s power working through the seemingly insignificant person, David was chosen by God to be the next king of Israel, surprising both himself and those around him. He rose to power and led the nation to great victories, fulfilling his unexpected destiny.

Esther (Esther 7:1-10): An orphaned Jewish girl living in Persia, Esther was chosen to be queen by King Ahasuerus. Unbeknownst to her, this position allowed her to intervene and save the Jewish people from a planned genocide, fulfilling a role she never imagined.

Mary (Luke 1:26-38): A young woman living in Nazareth, chosen to bear the Son of God? Unfathomable, yet Mary after receiving the unimaginable news that she would be the mother of the Messiah, the Son of God, surrendered to God’s plan. She gave birth to Jesus. This unexpected blessing brought both joy and tremendous responsibility, changing the course of human history. This miracle wasn’t just about a divine lineage; it was about God’s humble love choosing the most unlikely vessel to carry out His greatest work.

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Photo by Racool Studio on Freepik

The Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42): An outcast in her community, the Samaritan woman encountered Jesus at a well. This unexpected encounter led to her spiritual awakening and a newfound faith, demonstrating God’s love for all, regardless of social standing or background.

Lazarus, raised from the Dead (John 11:38-44): Death is the ultimate impossibility, yet Jesus, in a breathtaking display of power, called Lazarus back from the tomb. This miracle wasn’t just a show of force; it was a declaration of hope, whispering that even in the face of death, God’s love and power hold dominion.

Daniel (Daniel 6:16-28): Lions, dens, and a fiery exit: Daniel, a man of unwavering faith, found himself facing a den of hungry lions. But God, with a wink and a snap, shut their mouths, turning a death sentence into a divine sleepover. God’s power, Daniel learned, transcends even the fiercest jaws.

The Disciples (Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:2-11; John 1:35-42; Matthew 4:18): Ordinary fishermen and tax collectors, the disciples were chosen by Jesus to be his closest followers. They were bestowed with the incredible gifts of healing, prophecy, and the power to spread the gospel. Their lives were transformed in ways they never could have foreseen.

Against all odds, God:

  • Parted the Red Sea for the Israelites fleeing Egypt (Exodus 14:15-27). Cornered between an army and an impassable sea, God carved a path through the very waters, demonstrating His power and protection.
  • Raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). Grief hung heavy in the air, but at Jesus’ command, life pulsed back into Lazarus, defying death and proving God’s dominion over even the final frontier.
  • Turned water into wine at Cana (John 2:1-11). A simple wedding faced embarrassment, yet Jesus, with a touch, transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary, showcasing His ability to turn scarcity into abundance.


Read: 10 Ways to Trust God in Difficult Times

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Photo by Jcomp on Freepik

These are just a few of the countless examples where God’s power and miraculous interventions transcend human limitations. Each story reminds us that our limitations are not God’s limitations, and what seems impossible to us is possible for Him. When we surrender to His will, even the most impossible dreams can blossom into reality. So, when doubt creeps in when mountains appear insurmountable, remember these biblical heroes. Remember the impossible made possible. Cling to the hope that the God who parted seas and raised the dead can work miracles in your life too.


How to hold onto hope:

  • Pray persistently. Talk to God, and share your fears and desires. He listens, even in the quiet moments.
  • Read His Word. Immerse yourself in the stories of faith and resilience in the Bible. Find inspiration in the victories of others.
  • Seek community. Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage you and share your burdens.
  • Focus on gratitude. Acknowledge the blessings, big and small, that already fill your life. A grateful heart is a fertile ground for hope.


The path ahead may be unclear, but remember, God’s love and power are boundless. He can make the impossible possible, not just in the distant past, but in your life today.

So, dear friend, the next time the impossible looms large, and if doubt whispers in your ear, remember Sarah’s unwavering faith, David’s courageous trust, Lazarus’s second chance, and Mary’s humble surrender. Let their stories rekindle the flame of hope within you. Hold fast to the belief that with God, the impossible becomes possible. For as the Bible declares, “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Remember these stories. If God did it for these people, He can also do it for you. Don’t give up on God. Believe that He can do the impossible in your life. God’s power isn’t limited by our circumstances. Hold on to hope, keep the faith, and watch your miracles unfold.

Remember, faith is not about seeking miracles, but about trusting that God, in His infinite wisdom and love, will guide you through every circumstance. Embrace the journey, hold fast to hope, and trust that even when the path seems impossible, God can pave the way to the unimaginable. Know that even the smallest spark of hope can ignite a raging fire of faith. Don’t give up. Believe. The impossible awaits.

Hold onto hope. Believe. Because when God says “I can,” the impossible simply becomes the next chapter in your extraordinary story.

Read: Finding Hope in Times of Adversity: Trusting God’s Plan

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